26 Oct 2016

3 Easy Steps to Choose the Right Radio Accessory

Need help deciding what kind of radio accessories to you need?  Follow these three easy steps:

1. Understand working environment requirements

Choose radio accessories that address the needs of your working environment.  Radio accessories are generally divided into a few categories such as push-to-talk (PTT) and radio headset combinations, earpieces and headsets that are connected directly to a radio, remote speaker microphones (RSMs), special headsets and voice amplifiers.  

2. Industry Standards for Radio Accessories


Hot, cold, wet, dry, dust - you'll also want to ensure that the products you buy meet the standards relevant to your industry.  For example firefighters need radios that are able to perform in high temperatures and large amount of dust and smoke. There are set standards set by officials that the product needs to meet in order to be eligible. When in doubt, ask your sales representative directly.

3. Radio Compatibility

And finally, you’ll want to ensure the accessories that you’re contemplating to purchase of are compatible with your radios.  Your vendor should be up-to-date with the latest radios and their compatibility requirements.  Also you’ll want to ensure that the audio quality is sufficient for your needs. One last, and very important point: Ensure that you’re purchasing from a vendor with a solid track record manufacturing quality equipment and provides warranty and an in-service program.


Download the Savox Radio Accessories Buying Guide and to get detailed information on choosing the best radio accessory for your situation.

Radio Accessories Buying Guide

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